
Who Is A PicoSure Focus Candidate?

Hinsdale picosure focus candidate

Feel like your skin is looking less lustrous than usual? After the summer months come to a close, it’s common to see new skin damage. Whether you’re unhappy with fresh brown spots, uneven tone, new fine lines, or a general lack of vitality, you don’t have to search far for a comprehensive treatment method.

We often refer to PicoSure Focus™ as a gentler laser skin resurfacing – and that’s a great way to define this laser. But since it is a gentler option, it’s also more widely available to patients. *While laser skin resurfacing tends to be recommended to patients with more significant skin problems, you don’t have to be suffering from acne scars, dark spots, or wrinkles to see dramatic changes after PicoSure treatment. In reality, everyone is a candidate for the Focus – all you need to do is decide that you’re ready to try it.

Read on to learn more about the specific skin ailments that the PicoSure laser treats best, and the overall improvements you can look forward to with treatment.

Common Skin Problems Suited to Laser Treatment

  • Acne scars – When you’ve finally defeated acne, there’s nothing more frustrating than seeing acne scar tissue left behind. With the PicoSure Focus, you can break up old scar tissue and encourage new skin cell growth.*
  • Melasma / hyperpigmentation – Whether genetic or due to sun exposure, excessive pigmentation on the skin detracts from your appearance and darkens your visage. Laser resurfacing targets dark pigments, encouraging clearer skin.*
  • Fine to deep lines – Nobody likes wrinkles – and the PicoSure laser will help you smooth them. Both fine and deep lines are reduced by resurfacing treatments.*
  • General revitalization – The PicoSure Focus delivers gentle energy to the layers beneath your external skin. This helps improve your skin overall, with the surface looking clearer, brighter, more refined, and more youthful.*
  • Nearly anything you’re unhappy with – If you have general frustration with your skin’s appearance, the PicoSure Focus is a wise option. In the weeks and months after treatment, you’ll see your skin take on an enhanced appearance. As an added bonus, there isn’t any downtime associated with treatment, so you don’t have to make compromises to see rejuvenation.*

Check out some examples of what this revolutionary laser has accomplished for our patients – and schedule a free consultation to try it for yourself!

*Disclaimer: Please note that there is no guarantee of specific results. Results may vary.

PicoSure Focus Candidacy | Hinsdale PicoSure Focus | PicoSure Focus Hinsdale

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