
Prep Your Skin for the Perfect Date Night

Have a big date (or any big night out) coming up? Of course you want to look amazing. And the best way to be sure you glow is to prepare ahead of time for your big day. Find out what you can do the day, week, and month before your big night.

1-2 Days Before

The big takeaway for the day before and day of your event is to be gentle and avoid surprises!

Don’t Use New Products

If you know you have a big night coming up, test any new skincare products or makeup several days in advance. You want to avoid experimenting with new products directly before you need to look your best. You never know if your skin will have a negative reaction to an ingredient in an unfamiliar product.

Cleanse Well

Be sure you wash your face every night before bed leading up to your big date night. Old makeup, dirt, and other build-up from throughout your day can lead to blemishes if left on your skin overnight. Choose a gentle cleanser to soothe skin, followed by your go-to moisturizer or night cream. On the day of your date, gently clean your skin before applying your makeup so you have a fresh canvas to work with.

1 Week Before

In the week leading up to your big night, nourish your body and prep your skin.


Avoid exfoliating the day of an event because it could stress your skin. Instead, exfoliate a few days ahead so you will reap the benefits without any redness or irritation. Choose a gentle scrub or mask and use gentle pressure when applying. Don’t overdo it. When exfoliating at home, less is more.

Hydrate Your Body to Hydrate Your Skin

Everyone knows drinking plenty of water is important for your health, but it can also do wonders for your skin. Without enough water, skin looks dull and dry. If you are low on water, your body won’t “waste” this precious resource on your skin when it needs it for more critical functions. But when your body has enough water, it will keep skin hydrated and healthy-looking. Water also rinses away toxins and free radicals, leaving glowing skin behind.

2 Weeks to 2 Months Before

If you have advanced notice before your big date night, you can even go for a professional treatment to really put your best face forward. Some treatments should be done ahead of time so that minor side effects have time to fade away and maximum results can appear.


Get radiant skin, shrink pores, smooth skin tone, and even texture with a HydraFacial. This comprehensive but gentle treatment cleanses, exfoliates, and moisturizes skin. A HydraFacial may occasionally cause mild redness immediately after treatment. Results appear in just 3-7 days!

Chemical Peel

A chemical peel deeply exfoliates the skin using professionally formulated solutions to remove the outermost layer of skin. This treatment uncovers a bright, clear, glowing complexion. We tailor our peels to your exact needs and skin type for a customized experience.

You may experience redness, swelling, and peeling for a couple of days after treatment but full results in 1-2 weeks.


This treatment uses super-fine needles to penetrate the surface of the skin, triggering the body to produce collagen and improve skin cell turnover. Microneedling reduces fine lines and improves skin tone.

You do not want to have this treatment immediately before a big event. After microneeding, there will be some redness, swelling, and flaking. These side effects are temporary and will fade after a few days. At this point, skin will start to improve, and full results will appear about 4-6 weeks after treatment.

Ready for Serious Pre-Date Prep?

Do you have an important event on the horizon? Contact us today to plan which treatments to consider to look absolutely stunning!


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