
A Beginner’s Guide to Chemical Peels

Medspa applying chemical peel to woman's skin

If your home skincare routine seems to no longer cut it, you might be ready for something more serious.

Uneven skin tone? Large pores? Fine lines and wrinkles? Dark spots or hyperpigmentation? A chemical peel might be the solution for you.

What are Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels are an entry-level skin care treatment, during which a chemical solution is applied to the face or other treatment area for deep exfoliation. This solution causes the top layers of skin to “peel” off, revealing smoother, brighter, and more youthful-looking skin beneath.

How do Chemical Peels Work?

Chemical peels work by removing the outer dull and damaged layers of skin, which are often compromised by sun exposure, acne, or aging. On another level, the chemical solution stimulates your body to produce collagen, which is a protein that gives skin its elasticity and firmness, at the treatment area.

Chemical peels take advantage of the skin’s ability to heal and regenerate itself. When the old, damaged surface layers are removed, your skin will be triggered to replace those lost skin cells with a new, healthy layer of younger-looking skin.

Depending on the type and strength of the solution (which is usually acid-based), a peel can be mild or intense. Because you are creating a controlled injury to the skin, it is the type of treatment you may want to trust an experienced professional with.

Benefits of Chemical Peels

Chemical peels offer a range of benefits, depending on the type of peel and the individual’s skin concerns.

  • Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Fading dark spots and hyperpigmentation
  • Smoothing out rough, uneven skin texture
  • Improving uneven skin tone
  • Treating active acne
  • Reducing the appearance of acne scars

One peel can mean multiple improvements to skin, but depending on your personal concerns, your provider will use a peel to focus specifically on your biggest issues

What is a Chemical Peel Treatment Like?

Before your chemical peel treatment, you’ll meet with an expert to discuss your skin concerns and determine which type of peel is right for you. There are three general categories of chemical peels: superficial, medium-depth, and deep.

Superficial peels, as their name suggests, are the mildest type and are used to treat minor skin concerns, such as dryness, dullness, or fine lines. Medium-depth peels are used to treat more significant skin problems, for example, acne scars, sun damage, or hyperpigmentation. Deep peels are the strongest type and are used to treat much more severe skin damage, such as deep wrinkles or scars. Deep peels are less common, as they are a more serious procedure and not the best choice for most patients.

During a chemical peel treatment, your provider will cleanse the treatment area (usually your face). They will then use a brush or or swab to gently apply the chemical solution to your skin. It will be left on the surface of the skin for a specific amount of time, depending on the type of peel, in order to allow the solution to work its magic. You may feel a slight burning or stinging, but most patients don’t note more than mild discomfort, and this should subside after a few minutes. After the solution is removed, your skin will be cleansed and moisturized.

After Your Peel

While light peels might just cause some redness, deeper peels require a longer recovery time. Depending on the strength of your peel, it may take several days to fully heal.

Over the next few days, your skin will start the peeling process. It’s crucial to avoid picking or pulling at the skin to prevent scarring. Always follow post-peel care instructions, which often include moisturizing the skin and avoiding sun exposure.

Are You Inspired to Improve Your Skin With a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels can be an outstanding option for a lot of people looking to improve skin. They are considered safe and effective for many skin types and concerns. If you’re interested in trying a chemical peel, call us ASAP. Our experts are happy to answer your questions and help determine which type of customizable chemical peel treatment is right for your skin.

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